
Helfende und Hilfe-Empfänger. Humandifferenzierung zwischen Solidarität und Sortierung in Portugal und Brasilien

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
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Katja Bruchhäuser

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
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Economic groups and boundaries. Formen der Kooperation informeller Scrap Dealer Agbobloshies (Ghana)

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
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Die Verwaltung von Verlust: Politiken von Leben und Tod in Minas Gerais (Brasilien)

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
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Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
Veröffentlicht am | Veröffentlicht in Allgemein


Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
Veröffentlicht am | Veröffentlicht in Allgemein

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
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23. November 2020 // Netzwerk für Forschungsstrukturen im Bereich koloniale Kontexte gegründet

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
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Fachschaft: Informationen für Erstsemesterstudierende

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
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Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen (Christopher Hohl)

Feminist Anthropology

Dozent:innen: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay
Kurzname: Fem. Anthropology
Kurs-Nr.: 07.798.22_035
Kurstyp: Seminar

Empfohlene Literatur

Key works:

· Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon (eds) (1995) Women Writing Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· Davis, Dana-Ain and Craven Crista (2023) Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities. London: Rowan and Littlefield Publisher.
· McClaurin, Irma (2001) Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmud, Lilith (2021) Feminism in the House of Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology 50: 345-361.
Further reading:

· Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986). Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society, University of California Press.
·  Abu-Lughod, L. “Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography?” Women & Performance 5(1):7-27, 1990.
· Babb, Florence (2018) Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology. University of California Press.
· Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza’s Story. Beacon Press, 1993.
· Boddy, Janice (1990). Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press.
· Moore, Henrietta L. (1988). Feminism and anthropology. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
· Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1992). Death without weeping: the violence of everyday life in Brazil. Berkeley, University of California Press.
· Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-599.
· Harrison, Faye V. (2013) Foreword: Navigating Feminist Activist Ethnography. ix-xvii. In: Davis, Dana-Ain and Crista Craven (eds.) (2013) Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. New York/Toronto: Lexington Books.
· Lewin, Ellen and Leni Silverstein (eds.) (2016) Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
· Mahmood, Saba. 2005. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
· Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2013. Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4): 967-991.
· Ortner, Sherry. 1974. Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? Anthropological Theory, pp. 402-413.
· Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus : The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.
· Rapp, R. (2007). “Anthropologists Are Talking About Feminist Anthropology: Louise Lamphere, Rayna Rapp, Gayle Rubin”. Roundtable. Ethnos, 72(3), 408-426.
· Smith, Christen A., Dominique Garrett-Scott. 2021. “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, 10.1002/fea2.12038, 2, 1: 18-37.
· Visweswaran, Kamala. 1997. Histories of Feminist Ethnography Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 591-621.
· Wolf, Margery (1992). A thrice told tale: feminism, postmodernism & ethnographic responsibility. Stanford, Stanford University Press.


Ansätze der Feministischen Ethnologie kritisieren sowohl androzentrische als auch ethnozentrische Formen (ethnologischer) Wissensproduktion. Das Seminar besteht aus zwei Teilen: (i) Feministische Ethnologie; (ii) Feministische Ethnographie. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte der Feministischen Ethnologie im breiteren Kontext des Wandels der Ethnologie allgemein, und der daraus erwachsenen intersektionalen Kritik der Verschränkungsmomente von Macht und gender, sexuality, ‚race‘, ability, class etc. Im zweiten Teil setzen wir uns entlang der Lektüre einer Auswahl zentraler Werke der Feministischen Ethnologie mit Fragen zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Feld heute auseinander.
Veröffentlicht am | Veröffentlicht in Allgemein