

Book Review Editor, Monsoon: Journal of the Indian Ocean Rim, Duke University Press

Editorial Board Member, Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag

Board Member, The Mouth: Critical Studies the on Language, Culture and Society




2021      Disputing Discipline. Child Protection, Punishment and Piety in Zanzibar Schools. Rutgers Series in Childhood Studies. New Brunswick/New Jersey/London: Rutgers University Press.


2023      The Weight of Witnessing: Commitment, Expectation, and Responsibility in Child Protection Ethnography. Public Anthropologist 5: 232-254.

2023      The Politics of Skeletons and Ruination: Living (with) Debris of the Two Fishes Hotel in Diani Beach, Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies.

2022      Ordinary Childhoods and Everyday Islamic Practices of Protection and Care in Zanzibar. Journal of the British Academy 10(s2): 175-197 [Special Issue: Searching for the Everyday in African Childhoods, Ed. By Afua Twum-Danso Imoh, Peace Mamle Tetteh and Georgina Yaa Oduro]

2022      "Kuishi Ughaibuni": Emplaced Absence, the Zanzibar Diaspora Policy, and Young Men's Experiences of Belonging Between Zanzibar and Oman. Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies 6(1): 10-37 [Special Issue: Plurilocal Communities in the Indian Ocean World, Ed. by Walker, Iain and Martin Slama)

2022      “To Everyone Who Told Zanzis That They Are Not Omani”: Young Swahili-speaking Omanis’ Belonging in Postdiaspora Oman. Arabian Humanities, Vol 15 [Special Issue: Oman Over Times: A Nation from the Nahda to the Oman Vision 2040]

2019      Looking at and Seeing Beyond Young People’s Photographs of ‘Child Protection’ in Zanzibar. On Children as Diagnosticians of their own Well-being. MAT – Medicine Anthropology Theory Vol 6(4): 80-100.

2019      Decolonizing the Child Protection Apparatus: Revisiting Child Rights Governance in Zanzibar. Childhood 26(3): 321-336 [Special Issue: Child Rights Governance]

2018      The Impact of the School Space on Research Methodology, Child Participation and Safety: Views from Children in Zanzibar. Children’s Geographies, 16:4, pp. 405-417. Published online: 26 June 2017

2016      The Meaning of Adabu and Adhabu for the ‘Child Protection’ Discourse in Zanzibar. SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, Vol 9 (2016).


(2024) Wie die Beschaffenheit der Welt das Sein einer Sache bedingt: Über Christopher (Kit) Davis. In: Inspirationen: Über die Entstehung ethnologischen Denkens. Hrsg. von Lisa Burger, Tim Burger und David Sumerauer. Wuppertal: Edition Trickster im Peter Hammer Verlag, 128-132.

2022      Rearing Like the State: Belonging, Child Rearing, and Greetings in Zanzibar. In Iain Walker & Marie-Aude Fouéré, eds, Across the Waves: Strategies of belonging in Indian Ocean Island Societies. Leiden: Brill, 75-95.

2020      The Diverse Normative Orders of Being Young and Being Safe in Zanzibar. In: Navigating Normative Orders: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Ed. by M. Kettemann. Frankfurt/New York: Campus.

2019      (with Rachel Burr). Child Protection Across Worlds: Young People’s Challenges Within and Outside of Child Protection Programmes in UK and Zanzibar Schools. In: Imoh, A. T.-D. et al. (eds.) (2018) Global Childhoods Beyond the North-South Divide. Palgrave Studies on Children and Development/Springer Int. Publishing.


2023      review of [Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania. By Hansjörg Dilger (2022), London etc.: International African Institute and Cambridge University Press], Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (ZfE)/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology (JSCA) (forthcoming).

2023      Comment on: Scheidecker, Gabriel, “Parents, Caregivers, and Peers. Patterns of Complementarity in the Social World of Children in Rural Madagascar,Current Anthropology, Vol 64(3), June 2023.

2021      review of [Island in the Stream: An Ethnographic History of Mayotte. by Michael Lambek (2018), Toronto/Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press], Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol 27: 181-183.

2016       review of [Discourses of Discipline. An Anthropology of Corporal Punishment in Japan's Schools and Sports. by Aaron L. Miller (2013), Berkeley, California: Institute of East Asian Studies], Children’s Geographies, Vol 15 (3): 381-383. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2016.1189236


2023         (with Mario Schmidt) (Counter)public Contestations: Feminist Theorizing for Anthropological Ethics,, 5 July 2023.

2021         Ukatazaji wa Watoto na Ulinzi wa Mtoto. / Children’s Refusal and Child Protection. Reimagining Childhood Studies Blog, 23 June 2021.

2021         Kinderschutz und Körperstrafe in Sansibar – Zu den Blinden Flecken eines Feldes. In: HABARI September 2021(3): Kindheit und Jugend – behütet oder gefährdet. e.V.

2015         Life after Fieldwork: Of Leaving the Field, Entering Liminality and Relocating the Mind. Allegra Lab.

2015         Cultivating Childhood: Researching Protection and Personhood on a Western Indian Ocean Island.  Allegra Lab.


2022         Pull and I Shall Pull., 03.10.2022

2021         Commentary on Onur Gökmen’s sculpture FIRST, exhibited at Darmstadt am Landesmuseum, tinyBE – living in a sculpture, 26-6—26.9.2021, video contribution available on youtube, upload 8 June 2021.

2015         Stainer Chindebvu: Malawi’s Visual Arts Export.

2013         Mzungu Kichaa: Bongo Fleva’s Adopted Son.


2016         (with Haonga, H.; National Children’s Advisory Board; Salum, A.; Tavengerwei, J.). Children’s Council Manual for Zanzibar. Stone Town: Save the Children.

2016         (with Abdulrahman, A.; Mohamed, A. M.). Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching – Teacher’s Manual. Stone Town: Save the Children.

2016         (with Abdulrahman, A.; Mohamed, A. M.). Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching – Facilitators’ Guide. Stone Town: Save the Children.

2015         (with Kassahun, S.) Children and Young People’s Participation. Stone Town/Dar es Salaam: Save the Children.


2023         Interview with Franziska Fay about her book Disputing Discipline: Child Protection, Punishment and Piety in Zanzibar Schools, The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN), June 2023.

2022         Disziplinierte Empathie als wichtiges Werkzeug in hochpolitischen Zeiten/ Disciplined empathy as an important tool in highly political times (German/ English). JGU Magazin, 10.03.2022.

2020         Interview (Pt I and Pt II) with UK SWAHILI CHANNEL, Kioo Cha Jamii, about child protection and corporal punishment in Zanzibar, 1/8 August 2020 [in Swahili]

2020         Interview with BBC Swahili’s Salim Kikeke on racism and the murder of George Floyd, 3 June 2020 [in Swahili]

2016         Guest Commentator, BBC Swahili, Dira ya Dunia news programme, 7 January 2016 [live interview on the December 2015 New Year's sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany (from minute 11:10)]

2015         Guest Appearance, BBC Swahili, Dira ya Dunia news programme, 19 November 2015 [commentary on Chakula cha Afrika, Ughaibuni (African food in the diaspora; from minute 1:44)]


2022         “Kuishi Ughaibuni” & “To Everyone Who Told Zanzis That They Are Not Omani”, The Indian Ocean World Podcast | Indian Ocean World Center, McGill University, (in conversation with Philip Gooding), October 2022

2022         #23 Über die Spuren der Kolonialzeit: Ein Einblick in die Politikethnologie, Podcast "Denkanstoß Demokratie" | Landeszentrale Politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz, (in conversation with Benjamin Meinig), August 2022

2021         “Young Omani Swahili-speakers and the Zanzibar Diaspora”, Podcast Episode with the Anglo-Omani Society (in conversation with Dina Macki), London, UK, 15.02.2021.