Friederike Vigeland, M.A.

Thematische Schwerpunkte
Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachtypologie, Lehnwortforschung, Morphosyntax, Nominalklassensprachen, Adamawa-Sprachen, Gur-Sprachen

Regionaler Schwerpunkt
Westafrika (Nigeria)


Special issue on the Adamawa languages

Special issue on the Adamawa languages
Proceedings of the first Adamawa Conference (Mainz, September 9-11 2019)

Sabine Littig, Friederike Vigeland, Alexander Zheltov (eds)

The volume includes the proceedings of the first Adamawa conference, held in Mainz in 2019. All articles present new data on languages, some of which had hardly more than a wordlist with a few hundred items up to date. Some therefore are preliminary in nature since much more research is needed. Nevertheless, they are invaluable for further studies on the particular language or language group and for a better understanding of the Adamawa language family as a whole as the establishment of a comprehensive data base consisting of many Adamawa languages is important for future typological and classificatory research.

2020, 404 pp.

doi: 10.37892/2686-8946-2020-1-3 

Language in Africa: Volume 1, Number 3, 2020