Mosunmola Ayinke Omibiyi-Obidike

Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria.

Email: m_omibiyi@yahoo.co.uk

Research Professor of Musicology, former Director of the Institute of African Studies 1995-1998; 2001-2004

Research Fellow der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Currently on a renewed research visit to Germany for three months from December 2006 - February 2007. While here working in collaboration with Dr. Bender on the retrieval of recorded material in the archive of the Institute at the University of Ibadan

Areas of Interest: Documentation of African Music and musical instruments and development of instructional materials for African music education.

André Motingea Mangulu

Département des Lettres et Civilisations Africain, Université Pédagogique Nationale, Kinshasa Dem. Rep. Kongo
Email: motingea@hotmail.com

Research Fellow der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Aufenthaltsdauer: 3 Monate, 21.9.2006-18.12.2006
Host: Prof. Dr. Raimund Kastenholz

Forschungsthemen/Field Research: Grammatik und Geschichte der Bantusprachen, insbesondere der Gruppe C, in der Dem. Rep. Kongo, afrikanische Sprachen