Thematische Schwerpunkte
- Multilingualism, Language repertoires, Linguistic choices
- Language ideologies, Language attitudes
- Linguistic Landscapes
- Language policy
- Language biographies, Migration, Belonging
- Practices of human differentiation
- Epistemology, Knowledge production on Africa
Regionaler Schwerpunkt
- East Africa (Uganda, Ruanda)
2021-2025: SFB 1482 „Humandifferenzierung“, Teilprojekt B02 "Konturierung und Verwischung sprachlicher Humandifferenzierung"
Seit 2020: “Sociolinguistics of Migration: Creative Language Practices in Kinyarwanda.“ (Vorläufiger Arbeitstitel der Dissertation) (Betreuer: Nassenstein)
12/2023: "The implicit meanings of linguistic choices of speakers in Kampala”. Presentation in the Research Seminar, Institute for African Studies and Egyptology, University of Cologne, Germany, 6 December.
09/2023: “Linguistic landscapes in the city: Taxi inscriptions in Kampala”. Presentation at the 14th Linguistic Landscape Workshop (LL14), Madrid, Spain, 8 September.
08/2023: “Practices of differentiation and linguistic choices in Kampala”. Presentation at the Language Association of Eastern Africa (LAEA) Conference, Kampala, Uganda, 15 August.
06/2023: “Venice Embodied”, Group Presentation at the VIU Summer School on Linguistic Landscapes: Using Signs and Symbols to Translate Cities, Venice, Italy, 30 June.
03/2023: “Repertoires, speakers, and their choices – Multilingual practices in Kampala, Uganda”. Presentation at the International Conference on Languages in Cultural Perspectives: Practices, Discourses, Cognition in Konin, Poland, 27 March (online).
12/2022: “Biografien und Mobilität – ‚Ugandanness‘ und ‚Rwandanness‘ in Ostafrika”. Presentation (with Nico Nassenstein) at the Plenartagung II des SFB 1482 “Studies in Human Categorization” at the Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany, 9 December.
11/2022: “Negotiating identity: linguistic practices of Banyarwanda in Uganda”. Presentation in the Research Seminar, Institute for African Studies and Egyptology, University of Cologne, Germany, 2 November.
10/2022: “The epistemological dilemma of knowledge production about Africa from beyond”. Presentation at the International Conference on Decolonising the Humanities in the African Academy Conference in Ile Ife, Nigeria, 25 October (online)
09/2022: “Decolonizing African Studies: Reflexivity and The Insider/Outsider Binary”. Presentation at the VANDA Conference in Vienna, Austria, 27 September.
08/2022: “Crossing borders: Language practices of Banyarwanda in Central Uganda”. Presentation at the CALL Conference in Leiden, Netherlands, 20 August (online).
07/2022: “The epistemological dilemma of knowledge production about Africa. Reflections by a German Africanist Scholar“. Presentation at the VAD Conference in Freiburg im Breisgau. Germany, 8 June.
04/2021: “Linguistic human categorization: Language boundaries and matters of belonging in East Africa.” Presentation at the 7th Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznan, Poland, 24 April (online).
12/2019: “Critical reflections on Tourist Swahili in Zanzibar – ‘It’s amazing when you speak a language that nobody expects you to’”, Presentation at the International Workshop: Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Variation in Swahili in Mainz, 1 December.
Wockelmann, Deborah (2020). Language and Tourism in Zanzibar: An Analysis of Othering, Authenticity and Power Relations in Tourists’ Encounters. The Mouth Special Issue 3: 1-108.